Frysk Ingelsk Wurdboek

Based on a generic dictionary format as documented here

json service endpoints

endpoint link / explanation
info: application info
generic search: generic paginated search function yielding a graph of (form / text) results

available parameters for searching (/search)

  • searchterm (lucene syntax)
  • searchlang: fry, en
  • section: alltext lemmas example collocation proverb (default "lemmas", alltext only works for /search)
  • sensitive: when present and true search case and diacrit sensitive
  • highlight: when present and true matches in search results are highlighted
  • pos: noun adj adp adv verb aux num pron propn cconj sconj intj det x
  • type for usage: lang time freq connotation hint style geo medium domain
  • offset
details: show details of a lemma
xmlSource: show lemma details in xml (in validated format, with text)
Below search functions target specific information in a dictionary and yield simple results. NOTE results are not paginated and may exceed system limits.
contains?form=...&searchlang=...: check if a form exists in lemmas
containsText?form=...&searchlang=...: check if a form exists in text
referers?lemma=...: find lemma's that refer to this lemma
autocomplete?form=...&searchlang=...&pos=: search in forms, return an array of max 30 forms starting with the searched form
translate?form=...&searchlang=...: search in forms, return translations of the lemma
searchText?form=...&searchlang=...&offset=0&max=10: search in text, return text with translations
paradigm?form=...&searchlang=...: search in forms, return paradigm forms of the lemma
synonyms?form=...&searchlang=...: search in forms, return synonyms of the lemma
variants?form=...&searchlang=...: search in forms, return variants of the lemma
grammar | pronunciation | hyphenation | stress | usage | definitions?form=...&searchlang=...: search in forms, return grammar|pronunciation|hyphenation|stress|usage|definitions
byUsage?usage=...&type=... (see available parameters): search in usage, return forms
text?form=...&searchlang=...&pos=...&type=example|collocation|proverb: search in forms, return examples|proverbs|collocations with translations for the lemma
capabilities: return capabilities of this dictionary
lex0?lemma=...: transform to TEI Lex-0 See github
forms.json: download all lemmas with translations (expensive)
texts.txt: download all texts with translations (expensive)


Basically dictionaries in the format of this project consist out of dictionary entries containing word forms with properties and texts in various categories exemplifying the use of the forms. Both forms and texts can have translations in the dictionaries. The forms and / or texts can be queried and dictionary entries can retrieved.

The search endpoint can be used for querying the dictionary based on the parameters mentioned above. Results of a query are returned in pages containing a maximum number of results, you can browse through the pages using an offset.

The searchterm parameter follows lucene syntax, see for example this tutorial or docs for the lucene version used. Search hits will be highlighted in the results, though this will not work for all queries.

The sensitive parameter, when true, allows searching case and diacritics sensitive. By default case and diacritics are ignored.

The highlight parameter, when true, enables highlighting matches in search results. By default matches are not highlighted.

The section parameter determines which sections in the dictionaries will be queried, by default lemmas (forms) will be queried.

The pos parameter restricts has effect only on queries for forms, it restricts those queries to forms of the part of speech given.

Search results are paginated and can contain text, definition or word forms: lemma, paradigm, variant, synonym or compound. By default results are unsorted, this is configurable as well as page size. Each result contains lemma and possibly an id that enables you to navigate to the result in article details. The result shows, when present in the data, translation(s) for forms and text.

example queries for generic search

query explanation
search browse all data
search?section=example browse examples
search?searchterm=dag* search for words starting with dag in lemmas
search?searchterm=dei*&searchsearchlang=fry search for words starting with dei in lemmas in frisian
search?searchterm=dag*&pos=verb search for words starting with dag in lemmas, restrict to verbs
search?searchterm="op een kwade dag"&section=collocation search literally for "op een kwade dag" in collocations
search?searchterm=op een kwade dag&section=collocation search for any word in "op een kwade dag" in collocations
search?searchterm=de AND dag&section=example search for text containing both de and dag in examples
search?searchterm=fiets~0.5&section=example fuzzy search with a proximity of 0.5 for fiets in examples
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