Home of Fryske Akademy udpipe service

service info

You can post plain text to "udpipe/process/tsv" or "udpipe/process/conllu" and get annotated text back.

If you want to process a text file 'Frysk.txt' and save the output as a conllu file, give the command:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' --data-binary '@Frysk.txt' https://frisian.eu/udpipeservice/udpipe/process/conllu

If you want to process the text 'Praat mar Frysk' and save the output as TSV file, give the command:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' --data-binary 'Praat mar Frysk' https://frisian.eu/udpipeservice/udpipe/process/tsv

See for conllu: UD format

tsv contains at least (column headers provided):

token lemma upos xpos feats head_token_id dep_rel deps misc start end

See also udpipe documentation in www.rdocumentation.org

See also the web interface for udpipe for Frisian

There is a maximum size, see info, for bigger texts use command line script.

The test below is meant for testing only, it will produce unwanted "text=" before the text you enter.

Contact: e drenth at fryske-akademy dot nl
